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Welcome to Norda Stelo Confidence Line


ConfidenceLine is a secure, reliable, state-of-the-art reporting mechanism. The online system allows you to communicate directly, confidentially and anonymously with designated individuals from Norda Stelo. For more information on Norda Stelo’s policies regarding rules of conduct in the workplace, please refer to Norda Stelo’s Code of Ethics.

Norda Stelo employees all have access to this reporting service. ConfidenceLine is not however a service for reporting emergencies. To report emergencies such as an armed robbery, dangerous consumer products, or other crisis situations, please dial 911 or call Norda Stelo’s emergency line at 1-855-732-6877.


To submit a report, simply click the Continue button below.

Take note of the User Name and Password provided by the system so that you can communicate confidentially with the designated person or add information to your file.

Once you have logged into the ConfidenceLinewebsite, some preliminary instructions will be provided. Please read these carefully.

IMPORTANT: using the “Back” function will result in the loss of all the information you have entered. Wait until the end of the process to revise the information in your report. Once you have answered the questions and reviewed your report, you will be asked to press the “Finish and Send Report” button.


You can review or update your report at any time.

Log in to the ConfidenceLine website from the Norda Stelo portal and enter your User Name and Password.

Type your message into the “New Notes” box and press the “Send Communication” button. An email alert will be sent to Norda Stelo’s confidential hotline designate who will log in and see your comments.


You can forward documents, memos, pictures, emails, or any other supporting material confidentially to ConfidenceLine:

IMPORTANT: Please ensure you include your User Name on each document, otherwise your documents can not be uploaded to your file. If you want to remain anonymous, make sure your documents do not contain any identifying information because they will be forwarded as is without being revised by ConfidenceLine administrators.


Another way to submit a report is to call ConfidenceLineat 1-800-661-9675. Call agents are available 24/7 to record your report anonymously or to answer any questions you may have.


The ConfidenceLine application allows you to submit your report confidentially and anonymously. No information concerning your identity will be forwarded to the organization for which the report is intended unless you choose to identify yourself when or after you submit your report.

Acting responsibly and in good faith

If a report is made responsibly and in good faith even if it turns out no wrongdoing was committed, there will be no reprisals against the reporting party. An employee whose disclosure is frivolous, vexatious or in bad faith will however be subject to disciplinary and legal action.

Thank you for taking the time to report wrongdoing that has been or is about to be committed.

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